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Description Identifier Count

should invoke the method after 3 times


should invoke the method after 3 times


should invoke the method with specified arguments


should catch the error and return it


should invoke the method before 3 times


should invoke the method before 3 times


should bind the context of the method


should bind with other decorators


should bind all method to the context


should bind only specified methods to the context


should apply both decorators


should apply both decorators


should only apply the instance decorator


should curry the method with default arity


should curry the method with fixed arity


should retain the class context


should curry the method with default arity


should curry the method with fixed arity


should not retain the class context


should curry the method with default arity


should retain the class context


should curry the method with default arity


should debounce the method


should debounce the property setter


should contain the flush and cancel methods


should debounce the method across instances


should defer the method


should debounce the property setter


should delay the method


should debounce the property setter


should flip the arguments of the function


should compose the functions


should compose and assign to the property


should compose the functions


should compose the property


should memoize the function


should resolve the key


should resolve the key


should create the map of type


should use the provided map


should memoize the function


should resolve the key


should mixin the object


should inverse the result of the function


should invoke the method only once


should transform each argument


should create a partially applied function


should create a partially applied function


should change the order of arguments


should change the order of arguments


should spread the arguments


should return the first argument


should throttle the method


should debounce the property setter


should debounce the property getter


should contain the cancel and flush methods


should only invoke with one argument


should wrap the function
