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ugLayout supports serializing a layout's state as JSON that can be stored and read back into a layout. Usually each Renderable has a Serializer associated with it. Let's dive in to serialization basic usage.


We need to create a SerializerContainer from our root layout. We can use the RootSerializer class which is a SerializerContainer bootstrapped with all the built in Renderables registered.

const rootLayout = RootLayout.create({ container: document.body });

class MyComponent {}

    child: Layout.configure({
      child: View.configure({ useClass: MyComponent })

Let's assume we have the root layout instance above. Now we can create out serializer.

import { RootSerializer } from 'ug-layout';

const serializer = RootSerializer.fromRoot(rootLayout);
const layoutJSON = serializer.serialize(rootLayout);

Not we can store this JSON into LocalStorage or any other storage. Now we'll load the root layout from the JSON.


The deserialize method returns a ConfiguredRenderable which is the same as calling RootLayout.configure().

Creating Serializers

Each Renderable is not essential a 1 to 1 relation ship but in a lot of cases it is. For example the Layout Renderable has a LayoutSerializer which knows how to serialize and deserialize a Layout Renderable. A Stack has a single StackSerializer, but it also serializes and deserializes StackHeader, StackTab, and StackItemContainer since they are only applicable to Stacks.

A serializer need to implement the Serializer interface. Here is an example serializer.

import {
} from 'ug-layout';

import { MyRenderable } from './MyRenderable';

export interface SerializedMyRenderable extends Serialized {
  someMessage: string;

export class MySerializer implements Serializer<MyRenderable, SerializeMyRenderable> {
  serialize(renderable: MyRenderable): SerializedMyRenderable {
    return {
      name: 'MyRenderable',
      someMessage: renderable.someMessage

  deserialize(serialized: SerializedMyRenderable): ConfiguredRenderable<MyRenderable> {
    return new ConfiguiredRenderable(MyRenderable, {
      someMessage: serialized.someMessage

  static register(container: SerializerContainer): void {
    container.registerClass('MyRenderable', MyRenderable);