import { flowRight } from 'lodash';
import { DecoratorConfig, DecoratorFactory } from './factory';
import { ComposeApplicator } from './applicators';
* Creates a function that returns the result of invoking the given functions with the this binding of the created function,
* where each successive invocation is supplied the return value of the previous.
* @example
* class MyClass {
* name = 'Ted';
* @FlowRight(toUpperCase, 'getName')
* getUpperCaseName: () => string;
* getName() {
* return;
* }
* }
* const myClass = new MyClass();
* myClass.getUpperCaseName(); // => 'TED'
export const FlowRight = DecoratorFactory.createInstanceDecorator(new DecoratorConfig(flowRight, new ComposeApplicator({ post: false }), { property: true }));
export { FlowRight as flowRight };
export default FlowRight;